New Features IGEL UMS 12.03.100
UMS Common
- Added: UMS-Console and ICG log security relevant events in a separate log file.
- Changed: Updated spring boot to version 3.1.4 in all services.
- Changed: Updated spring to version 6.0.10
- Updated: Microsoft SQL driver version to 11.2.1 to support MS SQL Server 2022
- Updated: Azul Zulu JRE from version 17.0.7 to 17.0.8
- Updated: Apache Tomcat from version 8.5.89 to 10.1.15
Console, Common
- Changed: The user name of a UMS administrator is modifiable now.
- Added: The OS12 Specific Device Commands can also be executed via jobs in the UMS Console. See UMS WebApp [Apps] for more information about Specific Device Commands.
- Added: New service to unify permission calculation.
Unified Protocol
- Added: Management of Device Attributes for OS 12 devices (base_system 12.3.0 or higher needed).
- Added: Support of User Login History for OS12 devices.
- Added: Support of Specific Device Commands for OS12 devices (base_system 12.3.0 or higher needed).
Installer (Windows)
- Added: Now it is possible to manually edit the maximum memory consumption of the UMS-Console and Tomcat during installation with the installer wizard.
- Updated: Apache Tomcat from version 8.5.89 to 10.1.15
Installer (Linux)
- Updated: Apache Tomcat from version 8.5.89 to 10.1.15
Custom Device Attributes
- Added: Device attributes, which are used in a default directory rule and therefore cannot be deleted, are marked with a hook (UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Device Attributes).
Administrator Application
- Added: Option for automatic cipher adjustment on update. (New secure ciphers are activated, weak ciphers are removed) (IGEL UMS Administrator > Settings > Cipher (Server-side)).
UMS Web App
- Added: Base Systems (OS12) as well as other apps can now register Specific Device Commands, that this specific app or Base System understands, to the UMS.
- Added: Profiles from Version Tab. It is now possible to create a profile specifically based on the selected version from the app version tab.
- Added: Files: It is now possible to manage, add and configure files via the WebApp. For images and certificates a preview will be shown.
- Added: UMS Features: It is now possible to manage specific "UMS Features" from the WebApp: Priority Profiles and Parametrization (Support for Template Keys) can be activated here. (Network > Settings > UMS Features)
- Added: Specific Device Commands. It is now possible to send Specific Device Commands via the WebApp, both for a single Device as well as for all devices within a folder. (OS12 only)
- Added: Device Attributes. It is now possible to search for (user generated) Device Attributes.
- Added: 30+ Filters, including 'Last logged on user', Devices where (at least) one App reports an error, Devices with App installed, Devices with directly assigned App.
- Added: 30+ Columns
- Added: Manual Reindex. It is now possible for the user to start the re-index-process manually.
- Added: New lightweight and modern UI design to optimize the usability and user experience of the UMS WebApp.
- Added: Light & Dark Mode: It is now possible to switch between a light and a dark mode.
Configuration Dialog
- Added: Support for Light & Dark Mode in the new unified design.
- Added: Change Indicator in the navigation tabs and in the navigation tree.
- Added: The path of the parameter is shown on the Registry page.
- Added: The activation toggle is implemented for parameters on the Registry page.
- Added: Switch to show only enabled parameters in Registry for Profile Configuration is implemented.
- Added: The Template Key functionality is provided for parameters on the Registry page.
- Added: Registry can now be included in the Search.
- Added: It is now possible to edit an item with a double click of the table row.
- Changed: Boolean values are now displayed as read-only checkboxes in tables in Config dialog.