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Possible Search Criteria in the IGEL UMS

In the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS), the following parameters can be used as search parameters for a view. For more information on views, see How to Create a New View in the IGEL UMS.

Basic Information

  • Comment

  • Configuration changes pending

  • Cost Center

  • Department

  • Device License

  • Device Serial Number

  • Direct Profile Assignment

  • Directory

  • Expiration date of OS 10 maintenance subscription

  • Feature

  • Has ICG certificate with SHA1 fingerprint

  • IGEL Cloud Gateway

  • In-Service Date

  • Indirect Profile Assignment

  • Keystore Alias

  • LAN: The endpoint device has at least one LAN network adapter. See the section "Network Adapters" under View Device Information in the IGEL UMS.

  • LAN active: The endpoint device is connected to the UMS via a LAN network adapter. See the section "Network Adapters" under View Device Information in the IGEL UMS.

  • Last Known IP Address

  • MAC address

  • Name

  • Online

  • Serial Number

  • Site

  • Structure Tag

  • Unit ID

  • WLAN: The endpoint device has at least one WLAN network adapter. See the section "Network Adapters" under View Device Information in the IGEL UMS.

  • WLAN active: The endpoint device is connected to the UMS via a WLAN network adapter. See the section "Network Adapters" under View Device Information in the IGEL UMS.

  • [Name of the Device Attribute]. For details on device attributes, see Managing Device Attributes for IGEL OS Devices in the IGEL UMS.

Advanced System Information

  • Asset ID

  • BIOS Date

  • BIOS Vendor

  • BIOS Version

  • Battery Level

  • Boot Mode

  • CPU Speed

  • CPU Type

  • Device Type

  • Duplex Mode

  • Firmware Description

  • Firmware Update (Relative)

  • Firmware Version

  • Flash Player

  • Flash Player Version

  • Flash Size

  • Graphics Chipset 1

  • Graphics Chipset 2

  • Graphics Memory Size 1

  • Graphics Memory Size 2

  • Installed Apps: Finds IGEL OS 12 devices that have a certain app / app version installed.

  • Last Boot Time (Absolute) 

  • Last Boot Time (Relative) 

  • Last contact time (absolute) (see Monitoring Device Health and Searching for Lost Devices in the IGEL UMS)

  • Last contact time (relative) (see Monitoring Device Health and Searching for Lost Devices in the IGEL UMS)

  • Memory Size

  • Network Name

  • Network Speed

  • OS Type

  • Partial Update (Name)

  • Partial Update (Relative)

  • Partial Update (Version)

  • Product

  • Product ID

  • Total Operating Time

Onboarding User Information

Information provided by the Identity Provider used in the IGEL Onboarding Service configuration, see Initial Configuration of the IGEL Onboarding Service (OBS) .

  • Onboarding User Mail Domain

  • Onboarding User Name

  • Onboarding User Role

Monitor Information

  • Monitor Date of Production

  • Monitor Model

  • Monitor Native Resolution

  • Monitor Serial Number

  • Monitor Size

  • Monitor Vendor

Monitor Information (legacy)

  • Monitor 1 Date of Production

  • Monitor 1 Model

  • Monitor 1 Native Resolution

  • Monitor 1 Serial Number

  • Monitor 1 Size

  • Monitor 1 Vendor

  • Monitor 2 Date of Production

  • Monitor 2 Model

  • Monitor 2 Native Resolution

  • Monitor 2 Serial Number

  • Monitor 2 Size

  • Monitor 2 Vendor

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