In the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) Console, you can assign a profile to a device or a device directory. You can assign a profile to a device or a device directory per drag & drop or under Assigned objects in the Profiles or Devices tree nodes.
Direct and Indirect Assignment of Objects in the IGEL UMS
Objects in the IGEL UMS can be assigned directly or indirectly:
Directly assigned objects have been assigned to an individual device or directory.
Indirectly assigned objects have been "inherited" via the directory structure.
If you assign a profile to a directory, it is indirectly assigned to each device in this directory including the subdirectories.
If you subsequently move a device to this directory, the directory profiles will affect this device too.
If you remove a device from this directory, the profile will no longer influence this device and the local settings for the device will be restored.
The direct assignment of OS 12 profiles to OS 11 devices is not possible, and vice versa:
If you assign an OS 12 profile to an OS 11 device indirectly, i.e. via a directory structure, the OS 12 profile is NOT regarded for the OS 11 device (and vice versa).
How to Assign a Profile: Starting from the Profile
In the UMS Console, go to Profiles and select the required profile.
Under Assigned objects, click . The Select assignable objects window will open.
Highlight the required device or device directory and click .
Click OK.
Decide whether the new settings are to take effect immediately or at the next reboot of the device.
Bear in mind that users who are working may be disturbed if changes take effect immediately.
Devices that have not yet received the configuration changes are flagged with an exclamation mark .
How to Assign a Profile: Starting from the Device / Device Directory
In the UMS Console, go to Devices and select the required device or device directory.
Under Assigned objects, click . The Select assignable objects window will open.
Highlight the required profile and click .
Click OK.
Decide whether the new settings are to take effect immediately or at the next reboot of the device.
Bear in mind that users who are working may be disturbed if changes take effect immediately.
Assigned profiles with configuration changes not yet transferred to the device are flagged with an exclamation mark in the list of Assigned objects.
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