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How to Make Devices Download from App Portal when UMS is Configured as the App Proxy as the Global Setting

When the global setting under Apps > Settings > UMS as an App Proxy is set to Download from UMS, that means that all devices managed by the UMS download the apps from the UMS server, see Configuring Global Settings for the Update of IGEL OS Apps. But if you would like to have certain devices download directly from the App Portal, you can do that through using a profile as described below.

Create the Profile

To create a profile that tells the devices to download directly from the App Portal, use the setting options on Update - App Update Settings in IGEL OS 12:

  1. Create a new profile. For more on profiles, see How to Create and Assign Profiles in the IGEL UMS Web App.

  2. Under System > Update > Repositories set the following:
    Priority: 500

    Repository URL:

    Certificate: /etc/ssl/certs

  3. In addition to this, if you have a cluster address configured, add the following to the profile mentioned above.

    Priority: 400

    Repository URL: https://<>:8443/ums-appproxy

    Certificate: /etc/ssl/certs

Test the Profile

To test the configuration:

  1. After configuring the above, assign the profile to a test device.

  2. Run the command igelpkgctl update on the test device. should get processed first.

Assign the Profile

Assign the profile to the devices that need to download directly from the App Portal.

You can assign to the device directory that the devices register to through default directory rules.

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