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How to Send a View as Mail in the IGEL UMS

You can send the results of a view created in the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) by email in several formats and to multiple recipients at a time.

Emails can only be sent if you have configured appropriate mail settings under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Mail Settings.

You can also send views automatically and regularly as an administrative task.

To send a view as mail, proceed as follows:

  1. Right-click on a view.

  1. Select Send view result as mail... in the context menu.
    The Send view result as mail... window opens.

  1. Enter the recipient address in the Mail recipient field. A number of recipient addresses can be entered, separate them with a semicolon ";".

  1. Check the Create archive box to send the view as a zip file.

  1. Under Result format, select the format in which the view is to be sent.

  1. If the CSV format is selected, under Delimeter you can select the type of delimeter to be used in the file.

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