User Interface Areas of the IGEL UMS Console
The UMS Console contains the following areas:

1 | Menu bar | All commands and actions can be executed from the menu. You can use shortcuts ([Alt] + underlined character in the menu element) to access the menu bar via the keyboard. |
2 | Symbol bar | Frequently used commands relating to objects in the structure tree. See Symbol Bar 1. |
3 | Structure tree | Provides access to all UMS objects such as devices registered on the UMS Server, directories, profiles, views, scheduled tasks, etc. |
4 | Content panel | Information regarding the selected object. Many entry fields can be edited directly. |
5 | Assigned objects | Objects assigned to the devices or folders. See Assigned Objects. |
6 | UMS Administration | Administrative tasks, e. g. configuring domains, Universal Firmware Updates, and the scheduled backup of the UMS database (only Embedded DB) See UMS Administration. |
7 | Messages | Messages regarding actions launched in the UMS Console. Messages regarding successful procedures will be shown in green. Messages regarding problems when executing procedures will be shown in red. See Messages. |
8 | Status row | Status messages from the console, e. g. the server currently connected and the user name. See Status Bar. |
You can change the vertical and horizontal limits between the structure tree/UMS Administration, content panel and messages in order to adjust the size of the areas to suit your needs. From UMS Version 5.02.100, the changes are saved so that they will be available again the next time that you log on.