Device Network Settings for the IGEL UMS
Here, you can change the settings for the communication between the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) and the devices that are controlled by the UMS.
Menu path: UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Device Network Settings

Update system information on selection of a device
☑ The system information of the device will be read in again as soon as the device is selected. (Default)
The system Information from the last update will be shown.
Devices send updates
This setting defines if the devices report changes to the data shown under Advanced System Information; see View Device Information in the IGEL UMS.
☑ The devices report changes in their advanced status. (Default)
☐ The only thing that is displayed is whether a device is online or offline.
Configure devices to send periodic contact signal
☑ The devices send a regular heartbeat signal according to the setting of the Heartbeat interval.
☐ The devices do not send a regular heartbeat signal. (Default)
Heartbeat interval
The interval between each heartbeat signal. The value can be defined in hours (from 1 to 5000). (Default: 24)
For more information, see Monitoring Device Health and Searching for Lost Devices in the IGEL UMS.
Heartbeat signal offset
The heartbeat signal will have a random delay between 0 and the value specified here. The value is defined in minutes. The minimum value is 5, the maximum is one third of the defined heartbeat interval. (Default:10)
This is to avoid overloads which might occur when large amounts of devices send their heartbeat signals simultaneously.
Enable automatic registration (without MAC address import)
This option is provided for the following scenario: The MAC addresses were already imported before the devices were added to the UMS database. As a result, preparations such as creating profiles can be made before the devices are delivered. If the option is enabled, each device will automatically receive the intended settings after it has logged on for the first time.
Further information regarding the importing of devices can be found under Import Devices.
☑ Each device that contacts the UMS will automatically be registered in the UMS database.
☐ A device that contacts the UMS will not be automatically registered. (Default)
Maximum number of concurrent threads for device requests
Defines the number of concurrent device requests that are accepted by the UMS. (Default: 50)
If you require higher performance and high availability, you can use IGEL UMS High Availability (HA).
Queue limit
No limit: When the Maximum number of concurrent threads for device requests is reached and another device sends a request, the UMS responds to the device that the request will be accepted when a free thread is available. The current request is put into a queue with an infinite size. (Default)
Queue size: When the Maximum number of concurrent threads for device requests is reached and another device sends a request, the UMS responds to the device that the request will be accepted when a free thread is available. The current request is put into a queue whose size is defined here. When the queue size is reached and another request comes in, this request is rejected. Default 0
Timeout for the device support file upload action (seconds)
This timeout should be adapted if the upload of the support file to the UMS should fail. The reason for this failure might be very large log file sizes and/or slow hardware.
The unit is seconds; the value range is 30 to 9000. Default: 30
Adjust UMS-internal names if network name has been changed
☑ If the network name of the device is changed, the UMS-internal name will be set to the new network name.
☐ The UMS-internal name will not be set to the network name of the device. (Default)
Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed
☑ If the UMS-internal name of the device is changed, the network name of the device will be set to the new UMS-internal name. If this setting is enabled, the maximum length of the device name is restricted to 15 characters.
If you enable Naming Convention, the input of non-standard characters for Prefix will be limited.
☐ The network name of the device will not be set to the UMS-internal name. (Default)
Force UMS-internal name as network name (OS12 only)
The parameter is only visible if the Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed parameter is enabled and the Adjust UMS-internal names if network name has been changed parameter is disabled. The setting is only valid for OS 12 devices.
☑ The network name of OS 12 devices is set to the UMS-internal name. The setting on the device gets overwritten and changing the network name on the OS 12 device gets blocked.
☐ Name adjustments are made according to the Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed parameter. Changing the network name on the OS 12 device is possible. (Default)
Enable naming convention for new devices
☑ The UMS-internal names of the devices will be formed from the prefix and a consecutive number.
☐ The names of the devices will not be allocated in accordance with the naming convention. (Default)
Prefix for automatically allocating names. The prefix can be between 1 and 7 characters long; if no prefix is specified, the default prefix "UMS-" will automatically be added.
If Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed has been enabled, the input of non-standard characters is limited. Example: "&", "/", "!", etc. will not be accepted.
To comply with the network naming standard, a prefix
must contain letters or numbers: "A" to "Z", "a" to "z", or "0" to "9".
can start or end with a letter or a number: "A" to "Z", "a" to "z", or "0" to "9".
can contain a dash "-" but must not start with it.
If Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed is enabled after a non-standard character has been entered under Prefix, a warning dialog will appear:

Confirm the dialog after the countdown only if you are sure that your devices will be reachable with new network names based on the prefix entered.
Available with UMS 12.02.120 or Higher
This parameter is available with UMS 12.02.120 or higher.
Possible options:
Sequential Number: The device name will be made unique by a sequential number that is provided by the UMS.
Unit ID: The device name will be made unique by the device's unit ID or a part of it.
Use only the last [N] characters
☑ Only the last N characters of the unit ID are used.☐ The complete unit ID is used.
Serial Number: The device name will be made unique by the device's serial number or a part of it.
Use only the last [N] characters
☑ Only the last N characters of the serial number are used.
☐ The complete serial number is used.
Minimum digits
Note for UMS 12.02.120 or Higher
This setting is only available if the Identifier is set to Sequential Number.
A minimum number of digits for the sequential number added to the prefix. The digits not allocated will be filled with zeros. Examples: If 2 is selected, the consecutive number of the first device will be 01, if 3 is selected, the consecutive number will be 001, and so on.
If the number of devices exceeds the value defined here, the numbering will simply continue without an error occurring.
Available with UMS 12.02.120 or Higher
This parameter is available with UMS 12.02.120 or higher.
Suffix for automatically generated names. The suffix can be between 1 and 7 characters long;
If Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed has been enabled, the input of non-standard characters is limited. Example: "&", "/", "!", etc. will not be accepted.
To comply with the network naming standard, a suffix
must contain letters or numbers: "A" to "Z", "a" to "z", or "0" to "9".
can start or end with a letter or a number: "A" to "Z", "a" to "z", or "0" to "9".
can contain a dash "-" but must not end with it.
If Adjust network name if UMS-internal name has been changed is enabled after a non-standard character has been entered under Suffix, a warning dialog will appear:

Confirm the dialog after the countdown only if you are sure that your devices will be reachable with new network names based on the suffix entered.
Displays the current naming convention based on an example.
Rename all devices
All devices registered in the UMS will be renamed in accordance with the naming convention.
Rename and renumber all devices
All devices will be renamed in accordance with the naming convention. All names will be reallocated. If Identifier is set to Sequential Number or your UMS version is 12.02.100 or lower, the following applies: If numbers have become free because devices were taken out of service, these numbers will be used for other devices.