Summary - Prioritization of IGEL UMS Profiles
The following overview summarizes all rules relating to the priority of profiles in the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS).
A - Basic rule
In the event that the same settings are specified a number of times, the profiles with higher priority override other profiles. See the graphic in the example.
Settings which are specified in one profile only are not overridden.
The priority rule only applies to general settings and fixed instances. If for example a number of free instances are set up, they will not be overridden – they will exist alongside each other.
If several profiles are assigned on an equal basis, the newer profile with the higher profile ID has priority.
B - Standard profiles
The closer the standard profile is to the device, the higher its priority.
C - Shared Workplace
The closer the standard profile is to the user, the higher its priority.
Profiles assigned to users have a higher priority than profiles assigned to devices.
Groups within a level are prioritized in alphabetical order.
D - Priority profiles
Priority profiles override all standard profiles.
Settings in priority profiles can only be overwritten by priority profiles.
Priority profiles are prioritized the other way around compared to the standard profiles.
Priority profiles which are closer to the object have lower priority.
Priority profiles assigned to user groups have a higher priority than those assigned to individual users. These have higher priority than priority profiles assigned to device directories. Priority profiles assigned to an individual device have the lowest priority.

For information on the prioritization of firmware customizations, see Firmware Customizations in the IGEL UMS.
For information on the prioritization of Universal Firmware Updates, see Precedence of IGEL UMS Profiles and Universal Firmware Updates.