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Using an AWS Aurora PostgreSQL Database with IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS)

This article describes how to connect an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Aurora PostgreSQL database to the IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS).

For details on the supported database systems, see the "Supported Environment" section of the release notes. Details of the requirements when installing and operating the database can be found in the documentation for the particular DBMS.

Creating Your AWS Aurora PostgreSQL Database

→ Follow the steps described in the AWS document Creating a DB cluster and connecting to a database on an Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster. Important: Make sure to allow public access to your database; see step 11, last paragraph.

Connecting Your AWS Aurora PostgreSQL Database to Your UMS

→ In the UMS Administrator, create a new data source with the following parameters:

  • DB typePostgreSQL

  • Host: Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the AWS database endpoint instance. This is the Endpoint name in AWS; see the AWS document, section “Connect to an instance in an Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster”, step 3.

  • Port: Port of the AWS Aurora server (default: 5432)

  • User: Username you have defined in AWS as Master username; see the AWS document, section "Create an Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster", step 9.

  • Database / SID: The specific database name. This is the DB cluster identifier as described in the AWS document, section "Create an Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster", step 8. If you have kept the default value of DB cluster identifier in AWS, keep the default value postgres here. You can find the value in AWS under Additional configuration.

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