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Clearing stdout.log and stderr.log in IGEL UMS

Here, you can find options to limit the size of the files stdout.log and stderr.log created in connection with your IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) Server. 


Besides the log files created by the IGEL UMS Server application, two log files are created by the Windows/Linux service which starts the UMS Server process. These log files (stdout.log and stderr.log) are not controlled by the logging configuration in logback.xml and so do not obey the sizing limits. Upon UMS Server restart these log files are cleared but if the UMS Server runs a long time the size can grow.

Solution 1 - Restart

Restart the UMS Server once in a while. The restart clears the log files, and thus keeps the size under control.

Solution 2 - Scheduled Task

Create a scheduled operating system task to clear the log files:

  • On Windows, you can use the Powershell command Clear-Content stdout.log

  • On Linux, the corresponding command is truncate -s 0 stdout.log

  • Scripts to run as an administrator are available in the folder rmadmin (truncateStdLogs.ps1,

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