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Supported Environment IGEL UMS 12.03.100

  • UMS Server:

    Microsoft Windows Server 2016

    (64 bit)

    Microsoft Windows Server 2019(64 bit)
    Microsoft Windows Server 2022(64 bit)
    Ubuntu 20.04(64 bit)
    Ubuntu 22.04(64 bit)

    Oracle Linux 7

    (64 bit)

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7

    (64 bit)

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8

    (64 bit)

    Amazon Linux 2

  • UMS Client:

    Microsoft Windows 10

    (64 bit)

    Microsoft Windows 11

    (64 bit)

    Microsoft Windows Server 2016

    (64 bit)

    Microsoft Windows Server 2019

    (64 bit)

    Microsoft Windows Server 2022(64 bit)
    Ubuntu 20.04(64 bit)
    Ubuntu 22.04(64 bit)

    Oracle Linux 7

    (64 bit)

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7

    (64 bit)

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8

    (64 bit)

    Amazon Linux 2

  • Backend Database (DBMS):

    Microsoft SQL Server 2014

    (with Cluster Support)

    Microsoft SQL Server 2016

    (with Cluster Support)

    Microsoft SQL Server 2017(with Cluster Support)
    Microsoft SQL Server 2019(with Cluster Support)
    Microsoft SQL Server 2022(with Cluster Support)
    PostgreSQL11 - 15

    Apache Derby

    10.9 - 10.14

    Amazon AuroraAurora PostgreSQL (compatible with PostgreSQL 11 - 15)

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