Menu path: UMS Administration > UMS Network > IGEL Cloud Gateway

From UMS Version 5.06.100, you can also create and manage certificates for IGEL Cloud Gateway servers.

For details of how to set up all components for a connection to ICG, read Installation and Setup in the IGEL Cloud Gateway manual.


Generate root certificate


Import root certificate


Generate signed certificate

Icon Entfernen

Delete certificate

Icon Exportieren

Export certificate chain in the IGEL Cloud Gateway Keystore format


Show content of the certificate

Generate Root Certificate

  • Name: Name in the root certificate (common name, CN)
  • Your first name and surname: Name of the CA administrator
  • Your organization: Organization, company, government agency
  • Your city or district: The location of the organization
  • Your country code (two letters): ISO 3166 country code, e.g. DE for Germany
  • Valid until: Local date on which the certificate expires. (default: in 10 years)

Import Root Certificate

  • The file selection window opens, allowing you to select the certificate file which must be in the PEM format.

Generate a Signed Certificate

  • Name: Name in the certificate (common name, CN)

    The name in a signed certificate must be different from the one in the root certificate with which it is signed. UMS provides a warning in this case: Invalid Certificate
  • Your first name and surname: Name of the certificate holder
  • Your organization: Organization, company, government agency
  • Your city or district: The location of the organization
  • Your country code (two letters): ISO 3166 country code, e.g. DE for Germany
  • Host name and/or IP of the target server for the certificate: Host name(s) and IP address(es) for which the certificate is valid. Multiple entries are possible, these should be separated by a semicolon.
  • Valid until: Local date on which the certificate expires. (default: in a year)

Context menu (root certificate)

  • Generate signed certificate: Collects certificate data and signs them with the selected root certificate
  • Import signed certificate: Imports a certificate in PEM format that was already signed outside the UMS by the imported CA.
  • Import decrypted private key: Imports a private key file

    If the private key is protected with a passphrase, you must decrypt it on the command line with OpenSSL before importing it: openssl rsa -in encrypted.key -out decrypted.key
  • Delete certificate: Deletes the certificate from the UMS
  • Export certificate chain in the IGEL Cloud Gateway Keystore format: Produces a file for ICG installation program
  • Export certificate: Exports certificate file in the PEM format
  • Show content of the certificate: Shows the content of the certificate in a text window