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Using Structure Tags with IGEL OS 11 Devices


When rolling out devices automatically it can be difficult to assign each to the desired folder in the Universal Management Suite (UMS).


Newly registered devices will automatically have the information where they are to be placed in the structure tree of the UMS.

The UMS will have flexible rules to place a newly registered device into a folder of the structure tree.


One solution is using a structure tag, a text string bound to the device, that is transmitted to UMS. It can be assigned to devices either via a DHCP option or in their local setup.

  1. Define a Structure Tag in your Default Directory Rules under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Default Directory Rules.
    Learn more in the UMS manual: Default Directory Rules.

  2. Assign a structure tag to a device manually or via DHCP:

    Assigning a Structure Tag manually on the endpoint
    1. In Setup, go to System > Remote Management.
    2. Enter the structure tag value under Structure tag.
    3. Click OK.
    Assigning a Structure Tag via DHCP Server

     Use the appropriate DHCP option, depending on the IGEL OS version of your endpoint devices:

    • IGEL OS 11.03.500 or lower: Use DHCP option 226 to distribute the tag value to the devices. Set the DHCP option 226 as a string - not as a DWORD.
    • IGEL OS 11.04.100 or higher: As an alternative, you can use the DHCP option 43 (encapsulated vendor-specific options) to send the DHCP option 226 (name: "umsstructuretag") to the right endpoint devices. An endpoint device with IGEL OS 11.04.100 or higher sends option 60 (vendor class identifier) with igel-dhcp-1 as the value.

      An IGEL specific DHCP option that is sent in DHCP option 43 overrides a corresponding DHCP option that is sent in the global namespace. The DHCP options 1, 224, and 226 can be embedded in option 43.

      You can prevent a DHCP option 226 that has been sent in the global namespace from being interpreted. To achieve this, you must add option 1 (name "exclusive", type Byte, value 1) to DHCP option 43.

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