You will find the release notes for the IGEL Universal Management Suite 6.04.100 both as a text file in the same folder as the installation programs on our download server and in the Knowledge Base.


You can search for archived notifications with time period specification. See Notifications - Always Be Informed.

Universal Customization Builder (UCB)

The Universal Customization Builder (UCB) does not require a license any longer; also, it cannot be used for IGEL OS Custom Partitions any more.

A "Send Message" Job Added

A new job – "Send Message" – has been added; see Commands for Jobs

"UMS Features" Structure Tree Node Added

The enabling options for the recycle bin, template and master profiles have been moved from Misc Settings to UMS Features.

Shared Workplace

The structure tree node "Shared Workplace Users" can now be deactivated under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > UMS Features; see UMS Features.

Only .snp Files in the Snapshot Selection Dialog

Only .snp files can be selected under Universal Firmware Update > Context Menu> Snapshot > Universal Firmware Update; see Snapshot -> Universal Firmware Update.

Online Check Timeout

The default value for the online check timeout has been changed; see Server Network Settings.