Preparing New Servers

  1. Verify that each server can "see" the other servers via the network.

    High Availability with IGEL UMS Load Balancers: All UMS Servers and UMS Load Balancers must reside on the same VLAN.

    For High Availability (UMS HA) with IGEL UMS Load Balancers, network traffic must be allowed over UDP broadcast port 6155, and TCP traffic and UDP broadcast traffic over port 61616. For further port configuration, see UMS Communication Ports.

    Note: IGEL UMS HA installation with IGEL UMS Load Balancers is not supported in cloud environments like Azure / AWS as they do not allow broadcast traffic within their networks. The HA installation without IGEL UMS Load Balancers (as well as the Distributed UMS) is, however, supported in cloud environments as of UMS version 6.10.

  2. Verify that the time on all servers is synchronized.

    To avoid problems with your HA installation, make sure that the time on the servers of the HA network does not differ by more than one minute. After each manual time reset, the HA services on the relevant server must be restarted.

  3. For Linux systems, make the directory /root writable for the user root.

Preparing the Existing System


The move provides an opportunity to remove any UMS database data which are no longer used. For example, you can

  • delete endpoint devices that no longer exist
  • delete profiles that are no longer used
  • remove files and firmware updates that are no longer needed

It is highly recommended to create a backup before carrying out the cleanup (as a backup of the system running) and another one after the cleanup. 

  1. Create a backup before performing the move:
    • For the embedded database: Create a backup using the UMS Administrator tool, see Creating a Backup. Include all options in the backup.

    • For external database systems: Use the backup procedures recommended by the DBMS manufacturer. For the backup of server configurations, use the UMS Administrator tool, see Creating a Backup.
  2. Save the following files, e.g. to a storage medium that can be accessed during UMS HA installation:


    • [IGEL installation directory]/rmtcserver/*
      It includes the tc.keystore file, which is necessary for the communication with the endpoint devices. The certificate of this keystore can also be exported via the UMS Console under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Certificate Management > Device Communication > Export key pair  .

    • [IGEL installation directory]/rmclient/cacerts

    • [IGEL installation directory]/rmguiserver/https_cert_chain.keystore

    Device licenses
    (up to UMS 6.07; as of UMS 6.08, licenses are included in the database)

    • [IGEL installation directory]/rmguiserver/webapps/e08ce61-d6df-4d2b-b44a-14c1ec722c44
    Files and firmware updates
    • [IGEL installation directory]/rmguiserver/webapps/ums_filetransfer
  3. Create a backup of the UMS Licensing ID using the UMS Administrator tool. For detailed instructions, see Transferring or Registering the UMS Licensing ID.

Next Step

>> If you use the embedded database: Setting Up the New Database and Transferring Data (If the Embedded DB is in Use)

>> If you use the external database: Installing the First HA Server and Transferring the Data from the Existing UMS Server