Menu path: UMS Administration > UMS Network

The UMS Network node shows information regarding the SSL certificate currently used.

You can also replace the certificate (self-signed) which is generated during installation with your own SSL certificate here. This must be available in the PKCS 12 format and must also be self-signed – validation chains are not supported by this part of the UMS.

In contrast, IGEL Cloud Gateway (ICG) supports certification paths.

If you replace certificates, do this before registering thin clients on the UMS. Otherwise, you will need to remove the old certificates from the thin clients manually after changing the certificate.

To install your own SSL certificate, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the Replace Certificate button.
  2. Select your certificate file under Select Keystore File.
  3. In the Keystore Password field, enter the password for your certificate file.
  4. Confirm your settings by clicking on OK.

The UMS console will then prompt you to restart the UMS server in order to complete the installation of the certificate.