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About the 3rd-Party Hardware DB

The Third-Party Hardware Database provides an overview of the integrated drivers in our IGEL Linux systems. Graphic cards and sound cards apply only to the UDC. These drivers support a lot of different hardware versions. For every hardware model, the database lists whether IGEL continuously tests and verifies the hardware or whether someone else was able to run it successfully in their environment.

To obtain an overview of the hardware you are working with, use FusionInventory to read out the hardware components of your Linux system.

You can find our Third-Party Hardware Database on the IGEL Homepage.

The hardware is grouped in the selection list according to the following categories:

  • digital dictation (USB);

  • graphic cards;

  • network adapters (PCI/PCIe);

  • network adapters (USB);

  • smartcard reader (USB);

  • sound cards (PCI);

  • touchscreens (USB);

  • webcams (USB);

  • wireless adapters (PCI);

  • wireless adapters (USB).

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