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Connectivity Bar (If Available)

This section is only relevant when a connectivity bar is installed on the device.
  1. Loosen the screw (1) to detach the connectivity bar from the device.
  2. Loosen the screw (2) to remove the plastic cover.

  3. Disconnect the WiFi module from the USB port (1).
  4. Disconnect the antennas from the WiFi module (2).
  5. Detach the antennas from the inside of the plastic cover (3).

  6. Pull out the cable (1).
  7. Loosen two screws (2) and remove the USB board from the main board.
  8. Pull off the serial port ribbon cable (3) from the main board.
  9. Loosen the bolts (4) to remove the serial port.

  10. Loosen two screws (1).
  11. Loosen the spacer bolts (2) and remove the main board.

  12. Loosen three screws, as per the image, and remove the metal base plate from the plastic cover.

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