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UD7 Model H850C: Configuring the AMD E9173 Graphics Card in IGEL Setup


  • IGEL UD7-LX 10, UD7-LX 11
  • AMD E9173 graphics card as available from IGEL
  • IGEL OS 10.05.100 or higher

This how-to explains how you can configure the AMD E9173 graphics card which is optionally available for IGEL UD7.


Under Setup > User Interface > Display, make the following settings:

  1. Change the Number of screens to 4. Then configure each of the monitors as described.

Monitor 1:

  1. Select monitor 1 by clicking on it.
  2. Adjust the Screen resolution as required.
  3. Under Graphic card, select Card 2.

  4. Under Monitor, select DisplayPort.

Monitor 2:

  1. Select monitor 2 by clicking on it.
  2. Adjust the Screen resolution as required.
  3. Under Graphic card, select Card 2.

  4. Under Monitor, select DisplayPort (II).

Monitor 3:

  1. Select monitor 3 by clicking on it.
  2. Adjust the Screen resolution as required.
  3. Under Graphic card, select Card 2.

  4. Under Monitor, select DisplayPort (III).

Monitor 4:

This is the monitor connected to the AMD E9173 graphics card.

The main difference from configuring the other three monitors is that you have to select Card 1 under Graphic card.

  1. Select monitor 4 by clicking on it.
  2. Adjust the Screen resolution as required.
  3. Under Graphic card, select Card 1.

  4. Under Monitor, select DisplayPort (IV).

2. Click Apply.

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