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Menu path: Setup > System > Power Options > Display

In this area, you can configure screen settings which can help to reduce energy consumption.

Display Power Management Settings

  • Handle Display Power Management:

     You can configure energy saving settings separately for battery or AC operation. (default)

    You cannot configure energy saving settings.

  • Standby Time: Number of minutes after which the screen switches to standby mode if the user is inactive. (default: 6 minutes)

  • Suspend time: Number of minutes after which the screen switches to suspend mode if the user is inactive. (default: 8 minutes)

  • Off Time: Number of minutes after which the screen switches off if the user is inactive. (default: 10 minutes)

Brightness Reduction

The brightness reduction controls have been added specifically for use of laptops. They have no effect on other devices connected to the power supply.

  • On inactivity reduce to: Specify to how many percent the screen brightness should be reduced if you are not using the device for battery and AC operation. (default for battery: 20%, default for AC operation: 80%)

  • Reduce after: Specify a time between 10 and 120 seconds after which the screen brightness will be reduced for battery and AC operation. (default: Never)

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