Menu path: Setup > Sessions > Caradigm > Connection

In this area, you can define the connection settings for your Caradigm session:

  • Caradigm Vault VIP: IP address or host name of the Caradigm authentication server, also referred to as the Vault
  • Caradigm Vault Port: Port number of the Caradigm authentication server (default: 8443)

    For the certificates that follow, you have to send the certificate files from the UMS to the client via the file transfer - to the directory /wfs/ca-certs/. Three files are needed: the thin client certificate, the thin client private key and the Root-CA public key. Now enter the certificates here in the setup. The CA certificates must not be changed because the Root-CA is automatically available after the first reboot via the file ca-certificates.crt.
  • SSL Client Private Key: Path to the private key of the thin client (example: /wfs/ca-certs/tc_pk.pem)
  • SSL Client Certificate: Path to the client certificate (example: /wfs/ca-certs/tc_ca.crt)
  • CA certs file: Path to the file which contains the CA certificates (example: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt)
  • Disable SSL certification validation:

    SSL validation will be disabled for testing purposes. Normally, the certificates should always be validated.

  • Timeout: Specifies the number of seconds after which the connection is automatically terminated. (default: 30)
  • Way2Care (EGP): Name of a group within which the user can log in system-wide with a card without having to authenticate themselves again. (Example: EGPGroup)

    This function only affects desktop sessions.
