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Bluetooth Assistant

A Bluetooth Assistant starts before the actual Setup Assistant. This tests whether a USB mouse and/or a USB keyboard are available. If not, it searches for unconnected Bluetooth devices and helps you connect them.

The assistant starts with a window in which a timeout expires for a few seconds. During this time you can still cancel the wizard.

On the following setup pages you can make settings related to Bluetooth:

Bluetooth Tool:

Path: Accessories > Bluetooth Tool

Here you define the start options for the Bluetooth Tool session. 

USB Access Control:

Path: Devices > USB Access Control

If you have USB access control enabled, you should make sure that you explicitly allow the connection to your Bluetooth devices via a class rule or device rule.


Path: Devices > Bluetooth

Bluetooth must be activated here so that you can work with Bluetooth devices.

If you activate Tray Icon, you can start the Bluetooth tool via an icon in the system bar.

If you want to disable the Bluetooth Assistant in general, put the file .igel_skip_bt-autopairing in the directory /wfs/user/

The assistant will be skipped.

For more information about enabling Bluetooth services, see Bluetooth.

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