Menu path: System > Firmware Customization > Features

Using this list of available services, you can quickly enable or disable firmware components such as Powerterm, Media Player, Extra Font Services, etc. in order to reduce the amount of storage space required.

If a service was disabled, the associated session type will no longer be available when the system is restarted. Existing sessions will no longer be shown but will not be deleted either.

You will find further information in Disabling Features to Reduce Firmware Size.

A disabled session type will not be updated during a firmware update. You should, therefore, disable unused services in order to speed up update processes.

Features with Limited Support

A number of products feature functions with “limited support”. These functions are offered 'as is' without any warranty. Any support for these functions is provided on a non-binding, “best effort” basis.

These features are not available on IGEL IZ devices (IGEL Zero HDX, IGEL Zero RFX, or IGEL Zero Horizon).