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Showing and Hiding the On-Screen Software Keyboard Automatically

You can configure the on-screen software keyboard to appear or disappear automatically when an input box is selected or deselected (e. g. Firefox or screenlock). 

Showing Automatically

With the following setting, a software keyboard will be shown automatically when an input box is focused.

  1. In the Setup, go to Registry > userinterface > softkeyboard > autoshow (parameter: userinterface.softkeyboard.autoshow).

  2. Enable Automatically show on-screen keyboard when text field is selected.

Hiding Automatically

With the following setting, the software keyboard will be hidden automatically when an input box is not focused anymore.

  1. In the Setup, go to Registry > userinterface > softkeyboard > autohide (parameter: userinterface.softkeyboard.autohide)

  2. Enable Automatically hide on-screen keyboard when text field is deselected.

If there are any problems, e. g. the keyboard does not hide automatically, you have to disable Automatically hide on-screen keyboard when text field is deselected and make sure that the following Setup parameters have been enabled:

  • Accessories > On-Screen Keyboard > Autostart 

  • Accessories > On-Screen Keyboard > Restart

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