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Connecting a Serial Barcode Scanner

Connecting Barcode Scanner via COM Port

  1. Determine to which COM port of the device the barcode reader is physically connected.

  2. Open the IGEL Setup, go to System > Registry > devices > serial > inputattach and enable the relevant key, according to the COM port in use:

    • COM1 (/dev/ttyS0): devices.serial.inputattach.com0.enabled

    • COM2 (/dev/ttyS1): devices.serial.inputattach.com1.enabled

    • COM3, COM4 ...:  Add a new instance by clicking > Add Instance and define the port appropriately, e.g. /dev/ttyS2 for COM3.

  3. If the device's baud differs from 9600 (default), enter the correct baud under devices.serial.inputattach.com0.baud.

    With most barcode readers, you can change the baud by scanning a specific bar code.

  4. In the Setup, click Apply or Ok to submit the new settings. To make absolutely sure that the new settings are effective, you can reboot the device.

  5. Check if the barcode scanner is working.

Connecting Barcode Scanner via USB

If the barcode scanner is connected over USB, the challenge is to identify the device which is assigned to it. Depending on your specific device and environment, your mileage may vary. Start with the Connecting a Serial Barcode Scanner#simple procedure. If you are lucky, this will do it. If not, continue with the Connecting a Serial Barcode Scanner#extended procedure.

Simple Procedure

  1. Connect the barcode to a USB port. This will trigger an event which will be logged and reported by dmesg.

  2. Open a terminal on your endpoint device. For further information on the device's terminal, see Local Terminals.

  3. To find the right device file, enter dmesg | grep tty in the terminal.
    If you are lucky, the relevant device file is listed. Its name is either ttyUSB<NUM> or ttyACM<NUM>. Example: ttyUSB0
    If the relevant device file is not listed, try the Connecting a Serial Barcode Scanner#extended procedure below.

  4. Open the IGEL Setup, go to System > Registry > devices > serial > inputattach.

  5. Set the devices.serial.inputattach.com0.port to the device file you have found. Example: If the device file is ttyUSB0, enter /dev/ttyUSB0  

  6. Activate devices.serial.inputattach.com0.enabled.

  7. If the device's baud differs from 9600 (default), enter the correct baud under devices.serial.inputattach.com0.baud.

    With most barcode readers, you can change the baud by scanning a specific bar code.

  8. Click Apply or Ok to submit the new settings. To make absolutely sure that the new settings are effective, you can reboot the endpoint device.

  9. Check if the barcode scanner is working.

Extended Procedure: Device File Was Not Found on the First Go

If the device file could not be found using the simple procedure, try loading the device driver manually. As the explicit loading of the driver must be executed with every system start, a custom command must be added.

  1. In the terminal, enter the following commands, one after the other:
    modprobe cdc-acm
    dmesg | grep tty
    The relevant device file is listed. Its name is either ttyUSB<NUM> or ttyACM<NUM>. Example: ttyACM0

  2. Open the IGEL Setup, go to System > Registry > devices > serial > inputattach.

  3. Set the devices.serial.inputattach.com0.port to the device file you have found. Example: If the device file is ttyUSB0, enter /dev/ttyACM0

  4. Activate devices.serial.inputattach.com0.enabled.

  5. If the device's baud differs from 9600 (default), enter the correct rate under devices.serial.inputattach.com0.baud.

    With most barcode readers, you can change the baud by scanning a specific barcode.

  6. Go to System > Firmware Customization > Custom Commands > Base and under Initialization, enter modprobe cdc-acm

  7. Click Apply or Ok to submit the new settings. Reboot the device.

  8. Check if the barcode scanner is working.

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