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Domain Realm Mapping

Menu path: Setup > Security > Active Directory / Kerberos > Domain Realm Mapping

With domain realm assignment, a host name is translated into the corresponding Kerberos realm name.

  • Use default DNS domain - Active Directory domain mapping

    ☑ The DNS name and Active Directory domain name match. (default)

    ☐ DNS name and Active Directory domain name assignments must be set up.

To set up a DNS name to Active Directory domain name assignment proceed as follows:

  1. Click image-20240626-144053.png to create a new entry.

  2. Under DNS host or domain name, enter the host name that is to be assigned to an Active Directory domain name.

  3. Under Active Directory domain name, enter the Active Directory domain name that is to be assigned to the host name.☑

  4. Click on Continue.
    The data entered will be added to the Domain realm mapping list.

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