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Using Secure VNC Settings


If you intend to use shadowing on IGEL OS, there are a number of options that can make it more secure.


By default, Shadowing does not use encrypted network transport or a password. To activate these security features, do the following:

  1. In IGEL Setup go to System > Remote Access > Shadow.

  2. Make as many of the following settings as possible for your use case. Each setting improves security, and often also privacy:

    • Enable Secure Mode.

    • Enable Use Password and set a strong password (not needed in Secure Mode). The maximum length for this password is 8 characters.

    • Enable Prompt User to allow Remote Session.

    • Enable Allow User to disconnect Remote Shadowing.

    • Disable Allow Input from Remote.

  3. Click Apply.

    Secure mode for shadowing can be enabled globally in UMS under UMS Administration > Global Configuration > Remote Access. There you can also enable the logging of users who have used secure mode shadowing .

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