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Getting the Required Software

The following software must be downloaded resp. installed:

IGEL Universal Management Suite (UMS) 6.04.120 or Higher

  1. Download UMS 6.04.120 or higher from > Universal Management Suite.

  2. Update your UMS to version 6.04.120 or later resp. install UMS 6.04.120. For update instructions, see Updating UMS; for installation instructions, see Installation.

OSCW Files

  1. Download OSC for Windows 1.01.100 or higher (EXE or MSI installer)

  2. Download IGEL OS 11.03.560 or higher (ISO) > OSC for Windows >

Check List

(tick) The UMS is updated to version 6.04.120 or higher.

(tick) OSC for Windows 1.01.100 or higher is available.

(tick) IGEL OS 11.03.560 or higher (ISO file) is available.

Next Step

>> Transferring the IGEL OS Creator File to the UMS

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