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Security Fixes 11.09.310


  • Updated Chromium Browser to version 122.0.6261.128


  • Updated Mozilla Firefox to 115.9.1 ESR
  • Fixes for mfsa2024-16, also known as CVE-2024-29944.
  • Fixes for mfsa2024-13, also known as:
    CVE-2024-0743, CVE-2024-2607, CVE-2024-2608, CVE-2024-2616,
    CVE-2023-5388, CVE-2024-2610, CVE-2024-2611, CVE-2024-2612,
  • Fixes for mfsa2024-06, also known as:
    CVE-2024-1546, CVE-2024-1547, CVE-2024-1548, CVE-2024-1549,
    CVE-2024-1550, CVE-2024-1551, CVE-2024-1552, CVE-2024-1553.

Base system

  • Fixed libxml2 security issue CVE-2024-25062

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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