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How to Use Font Smoothing (ClearType) in Citrix Sessions


  • You have set Font Smoothing to ClearType in
    IGEL Setup > Sessions > Citrix > Citrix Global > Window > Font smoothing (Off / Standard / ClearType)

  • ClearType does not work for Citrix PNAgent / Webinterface sessions.


ClearType is not supported in PNAgent / Webinterface sessions because Citrix Receiver uses Windows settings which are not present on the Linux client.


All Citrix Receivers up to version 12.x do not use wfclient.ini to configure Font Smoothing. To force Webinterface, PNAgent/XenApp to enable Font Smoothing proceed as follows:

PNAgent / XenApp:

  1. On the Citrix server open C:\inetpub\wwwroot\citrix\pnagent\config\default.ica .

  2. Go to section Application .

  3. Add new line FontSmoothingType=3 .

  4. Save and close the file.


  1. On the Citrix server open C:\inetpub\wwwroot\citrix\xenapp\config\default.ica .

  2. Go to section Application .

  3. Add new line FontSmoothingType=3 .

  4. Save and close the file.

    If you installed the Webinterface site to a different location, please change the path accordingly.

FontSmoothingType parameter options:

  • 0 = No smoothing

  • 1 = No smoothing

  • 2 = Standard smoothing

  • 3 = ClearType (horizontal sub-pixel) smoothing (default)

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