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Jabra Xpress

Menu path: Devices > Unified Communications > Jabra > Jabra Xpress

Jabra Xpress is a solution for the remote mass-deployment of Jabra USB headsets that enables creating and deploying packages containing a configuration of settings, firmware updates, etc. for Jabra devices. For more information, see

For detailed information on how to deploy a Jabra Xpress package, see How to Deploy a Jabra Xpress Package.

Device Dashboard URL: URL of the dashboard server of the Jabra device.

Package: File name of the Jabra Xpress package. Example:

Source URL: URL to the directory containing the Xpress package. Example: 

As a Source URL, you can specify any server, e.g. FTP(S) or HTTP(S), where you have placed the Xpress package downloaded from the Jabra Xpress portal.
If you want to use the UMS as a source location, your Jabra ZIP archive has to be registered as a file object in the UMS, see Files - Registering Files on the IGEL UMS Server and Transferring Them to Devices. See also UMS and Thin Clients: File Transfer.

Check SSL certificate: Determines if the SSL certificate is checked. (Default: Enabled)

Disable SSL certificate checking if your HTTPS or FTPS server uses a self-signed certificate.

User name: User name for accessing the Xpress package that resides under the Source URL.

Password: Password for accessing the Xpress package that resides under the Source URL.

For the optimal performance of Jabra headsets (esp. relevant if Skype for Business is used), activate:

  • in Citrix sessions: HDX Realtime Media Engine under Sessions > Citrix > Citrix Global > Unified Communications > Skype for Business;
  • in VMware Horizon sessions: Virtualization Pack Skype for Business under Sessions > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Unified Communications > Skype for Business;
  • in RDP sessions: Compression under Sessions > RDP > RDP Global > Performance.
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