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Getting a Demo License

There are two ways of getting your IGEL demo license:

The evaluation license will be valid for 90 days.

A demo license provides the features and capabilities contained in the following Product Packs and licenses:

  • Workspace Edition (WE)

  • Enterprise Management Pack (EMP)

  • PCoIP client by Teradici (IGEL OS 11.01.110 or higher)

With your IGEL demo license, you get a temporary account in our Service Hub. By default, you will be assigned the role of the Super Admin. See Managing Users and Roles in the IGEL Customer Portal.

Requirements for Getting a Demo License on First Startup

  • Network connection

  • The endpoint device has been converted by IGEL OS Creator (OSC) or is ready to boot from UD Pocket.

  • Your device still needs to be configured and has yet to be registered with the UMS.

Getting Your Demo License on First Startup

  1. Start the device.
    The Setup Assistant starts.

If the IGEL Setup Assistant does not start, this means that your device has been configured or registered already. If this is the case, and you have a Delivery Token, continue with How to Get the License File from the IGEL License Portal.

  1. At the step Activate your IGEL OS, make a choice when asked, and fill in every field to receive a 90-day evaluation license.

Proxy Configuration

If you get an error message at this stage of the wizard, you may need to configure a proxy. Click Proxy configuration to get to the configuration dialog.

  1. Check I agree to the terms + conditions and privacy policy.

  2. Click ACTIVATE YOUR OS 11.
    When the license has been fetched, a confirmation is shown. Additionally, an e-mail is sent to the address you have provided. The e-mail contains links for downloading and installing the Universal Management Suite (UMS).

  3. Click Next.

  4. Continue with the configuration.

  5. When you have finished the configuration, click Restart.
    After the restart, your IGEL OS device is fully functional for 90 days.

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