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Unassigning the Upgrade Profile and the Universal Firmware Update

The upgrade profile and the Universal Firmware Update should be unassigned from the devices after they have been upgraded to IGEL OS 11 successfully.

To unassign upgrade profile and the Universal Firmware Update:

  1.  Move the devices to a different folder.

  1. In the Update time dialog, select Now and click Ok.
    The directory change is communicated immediately to the devices.

    If a device had a Custom Partition before, it will be downloaded by the device and activated again.

Check List

If a device had a Custom Partition before:

(tick) The Custom Partition has been downloaded by the device and activated.

Next Step

If some devices have a Custom Partition:

>> If Applicable: Restoring Custom Partition and Custom Application

If no device has a Custom Partition:

>> Upgrading All Devices

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