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Proxy Settings for IGEL OS AVD Sessions

In the following area, you can configure proxy settings for your AVD sessions in IGEL OS. 

Menu path: Sessions > AVD > AVD Sessions > [Session Name] > Proxy

Proxy Configuration via a PAC File

If you want to use a PAC file, set Proxy mode to "Global proxy setting" and specify the URL of the PAC file under Network > Proxy > Automatic proxy configuration.

Proxy mode

Specifies if a proxy should be used. 

Possible options: 

  • Off*: A proxy is disabled. The direct connection to the Internet is used.

  • Global proxy setting: The proxy configured under Network > Proxy is used, see Proxy 3.

  • Session specific proxy: The proxy configuration specified under Proxy host and Proxy port is used.

The following fields are active if Proxy mode is set to "Session specific proxy":

Proxy host

Hostname or IP address of the proxy server

Proxy port

Port on which the proxy service is available

*IGEL OS system default

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