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Downloading Updates and Storing them on an FTP Server

You can save the update files either directly on the UMS server or you can put them on your captive FTP server. If you have many devices to be updated, you should work with the FTP server because it makes it easier to distribute large amounts of data in the local network.

No Downgrade from IGEL OS 11.03

It is not possible to downgrade from IGEL OS 11.03 or higher to any version before IGEL OS 11.03, except IGEL OS 11.02.200. This is because, from IGEL OS 11.03 onwards, the system partitions are signed to guarantee their integrity; it is not possible to change from a system with signed partitions to a system with unsigned partitions. IGEL OS 11.02.200 is a special variant of IGEL OS 11.02 that has signed system partitions. IGEL OS 11.02.200 is only available from the IGEL Support Team.

Important Notes on Downgrading from IGEL OS 11.06 or Higher

  • If you have encrypted your IGEL OS 11.06 device, downgrading to IGEL OS 11.05 or lower will imply data loss on the following partitions, due to different partition schemes: 

    • Browsing history of the browsers Firefox and Chromium

    • Custom Partitions

  • The device settings and the UMS connection are preserved.

  • The device encryption password must be entered by the user.


  1. Click Universal Firmware Update in the UMS Administration area of UMS console.

  2. Click Edit... .

  3. Enter your FTP server under Host, to save the update files in this location.

  4. Add further details like storage path and access data for the server.

  5. Save your settings and click Test Server Connection.

Downloading updates

  1. Right-click Universal Firmware Update on the UMS console tree.

  2. Choose Check for new firmware updates from the context menu.
    A window opens with a list of all updates associated with the firmware versions registered in the UMS database.

  3. Choose a Version in the drop-down-list.

  4. Click Information to see the release notes of each update.

  5. Activate the check box Include for downloading a certain update.

  6. Click Download to start the process.
    The update will be added to the tree and the current processing status will be shown.
    The unpacked firmware files are finally in the target directory on the FTP server.

Assigning updates to the thin clients

Assign the downloaded update by dragging and dropping to your device directory. Now, if you click this directory you can see the firmware update in the right window under Assigned objects. The devices will now know where to find the firmware update in the event of an update command.

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