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How to Clear the Imprivata Data Partition

The function that explicitly clears the Imprivata data partition has been removed. However, you can simply emulate this feature by disabling and re-enabling the Imprivata appliance mode.

If you already have a valid appliance running and want to delete the Imprivata data partition, take the following steps:

  1. In the IGEL Setup, go to Sessions > Appliance Mode.

  2. Set Appliance mode to "Disabled".

  3. Click Ok to save the setting.

  4. Click Yes to confirm the Apply Settings dialog.

    Normal desktop mode is active. The Imprivata data partition is void now.

  5. In the IGEL Setup, go to Sessions > Appliance Mode.

  6. Set Appliance Mode to "Imprivata".

  7. In the Set the URL to the Server field, enter the new server address.

  8. Click Ok and confirm the Apply Settings dialog.
    Now you have a fresh Imprivata appliance mode without any outdated data.

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