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Troubleshooting: Workaround for Citrix Receiver X Error


When starting Citrix XenApp you get the following Citrix Receiver errors on your IGEL OS devices:

The X Request 55.0 caused error: "9: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)"

The X Request 60.0 caused error: "13: BadGC (invalid GC parameter)".


  • Citrix XenApp 7.15  

  • Citrix Receiver e.g. 13.2, 13.3, 13.7, 13.8 


Two parameters have to be activated in IGEL Setup:

  1. Go to System > Registry > ica > forceignorexerrors.

  2. Activate Suppress X error message boxes.

  3. Go to System > Registry > ica > wfclient > ignorexerrors.

  4. Activate IgnoreXErrors and pass the parameters: 55.0/9, 60.0/13

See also the corresponding entry in the Citrix forum.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.