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Phone Book for the VoIP Client in IGEL OS

You can add one or more LDAP address books or local contacts.

Menu path: Setup > Sessions > VoIP Client > Telephone Book

To add an LDAP address book, proceed as follows:

  1. In the List of LDAP address books area, click on image-20240610-195630.png.

  2. Enter the following data:

    • Name: Name with which the LDAP address book will be displayed in the VoIP client

    • Server Name: Host name of the LDAP server

    • Port: Port for the connection to the LDAP server (Default: 389)

    • Base DN: Basis for the search in the LDAP tree

    • Scope: Area for the LDAP search
      Possible options:
      - Single level
      - Subtree (Default)

    • Display name attribute: LDAP attribute that is displayed as the name of the contact in the VoIP client. (Default: cn)

    • Call Attribute: LDAP attribute that contains the telephone number (Standard: telephoneNumber)

    • Filter Template: Filter for the LDAP search (Default: (cn=$))

    • Bind ID: Identifier for the LDAP search. This identifier is sent to the LDAP server in a BIND request.

    • Password: Password for the user account for the LDAP search

  3. Click Ok.

To add a contact to the local contact list, proceed as follows:

  1. In the List of Contacts area, click on image-20240610-195651.png.

  2. Enter the following data:

    • Name: Name of the SIP or H.323 address displayed

    • Address: SIP or H.323 address. Example:

    • Group: Optional group name in order to group contacts

  3. Click Ok.

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