Menu path: Setup > Security > Password

When entering a password, ensure that the correct keyboard layout is enabled.


  • Use password

    ☑ A password is needed to log in as an administrator (root). A password is also needed for the user (user) and the setup user. The administrator password is also needed to reset the client to the factory defaults in the boot menu. The password is set by clicking Change password.

    ☐ No password is needed to log in as an administrator. A password is not needed for the user (user) and the setup user either. (default)

  • Change password: Sets the password for the administrator (root).

Setup user

  • Enable user access: This option is relevant if an administrator password is set.

    ☑ The user can access the areas of the IGEL setup for which they have authorization. Further information can be found under Page authorizations. A password is needed to log in as a setup user. The password is set by clicking Change password.

    ☐ The user cannot access the IGEL setup. (default)

  • Change password: Sets the password for the setup user.


  • Use password: This option is relevant if an administrator password is set.

    ☑ The user (user) needs a password in order to log in to the thin client via the local terminal. The password is set by clicking Change password.

    ☐ If an administrator password is set, the user (user) cannot log in to the thin client via the local terminal. If no administrator password is set, the user (user) can log in to the thin client via the local terminal without a password. (default)

  • Change password: Sets the password for the user (user).

User account for remote access

  • Enable login

    ☑ The remote user (ruser) can log in to the thin client via SSH. Further information can be found under Remote access. (default)

    ☐ Logging in via SSH is not possible.

  • Use password

    ☑ A password is needed to log in via SSH.

    ☐ No password is needed to log in via SSH. (default)

By clicking Change password, set up a user password.