Menu path: Setup > System > Remote Access > SSH Access

Remote access to the local system via SSH is permitted by default. However, you can restrict remote access to a specific user from a specific host.

  • Enable

    ☑ The SSH service is enabled. (default)

  • Permit empty passwords

    ☑ Logging on without a password is allowed.

    ☐ Logging on without a password is not allowed. (default)

  • Permit administrator logon:

    ☑ Logging on as an administrator is allowed.

    ☐ Logging on as an administrator is not allowed (default)

  • Port number: Port number for SSH (default: 22)

User access

  • User name: Permitted user
    Possible values:
    • root
    • user
    • ruser

      For the remote user "ruser" a password has to be assigned under Security > Password. The names "root" and "user" work without passwords, tough.

  • Hostname: Name of the host from which SSH access takes place (example:
  • Deny

    ☑ Access is denied.

    ☐ Access is allowed. (default)

Enable applications access for remote user “ruser”

  • Command line: Command that is allowed or prohibited for the remote user
  • Enable application

    ☑ The application given under command line may be executed by the remote user. (default)

    ☐ The application given under command line may not be executed by the remote user.

    Unlike root and user, the ruser is not intended for real SSH sessions, but only for starting X applications.

    And only those that are listed as allowed here on this setup page. By default in OS 10 these are localshell and /config/sessions/setup0.

    But if you intuitively try to log on to the device as ruser via SSH, then you will never be able to connect. The connection will be closed immediately without anything happening.

    In this case you must add the parameter "-X" and the program to be started in the session call, like in this example: 

    ssh -X ruser@ localshell