Menu path: Setup > Sessions > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Global > Server Options

In this area, you can specify the settings for the connection between the VMware Horizon Client and the server.

  • Preferred desktop protocol: The selected option is preferred by the client when negotiating the connection protocol.

    If the server does not accept the connection protocol preferred by the client, the connection protocol preferred by the server will be used.

    Possible values:

    • Server setting: The client does not give the server details of a preferred connection protocol. The connection protocol preferred by the server is used.
    • RDP: The client tells the server that it prefers RDP as the connection protocol.
    • PCoIP: The client tells the server that it prefers PCoIP as the connection protocol.
    • VMware Blast: The client tells the server that it prefers VMware Blast as the connection protocol.
    Hardware video acceleration can be used for VMware Blast. Information regarding hardware video acceleration on IGEL thin clients can be found in the Hardware Video Acceleration on IGEL OS FAQs. For hardware video acceleration, the Multimedia Codec Pack must be installed. If no hardware video acceleration is available, rendering will take place via software, without acceleration.

    Fabulatech USB redirection and VMWare Blast are not compatible. If you use Fabulatech USB redirection, ensure that RDP or PCoIP is used as the protocol for VMWare Horizon sessions.

  • Enable kiosk mode:

    ☑ Horizon client sessions are held in kiosk mode.

    ☐ Horizon client sessions are held in normal mode. (default)

  • Server certificate verification mode: Specifies what will happen if server certificate verification fails.
    Possible values:
    • Reject if verification fails
    • Warn if verification fails
    • Allow unverifiable connections
  • Action to take in case there are running applications from previous sessions: Specifies the start behavior of an application-type session if applications from a previous session are still running.

    The session type is defined under Setup > Sessions > Horizon Client > Horizon Client Session > [Session Name] > Connection Settings > Session Type.

    Possible values:

    • Ask to reconnect to open applications: When the session starts, the user is asked whether they want to reestablish the connection. If the connection is reestablished, the applications running will be available. The applications will have the same status as when the connection was terminated.
    • Reconnect automatically to open applications: The connection will be reestablished automatically. The application running will be available. The application will have the same status as when the connection was terminated.
    • Do not ask to reconnect and do not reconnect: The connection will not be reestablished.