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How to Search the IGEL Knowledge Base

Exact Phrase Search

To search for an exact phrase put the phrase in quotation marks.


Stop Words

The search ignores common words (stop words) such as 'and', 'the', 'or', and 'it'. For instance, "usb redirection" and "the usb redirection" return the same results.

Combining Search Words with the OR Operator

The OR operator is already built-in when you enter several search words. Note that OR must be written in capitals; otherwise, it is considered a stop word and therefore ignored.


returns the same result as

The search returns all pages that contain the words "Fabulatech" or "USB" or "Redirection".

Quotation Marks Required

When operators are used, the search words must be in quotation marks.

Combining Search Words with the AND Operator

To search for a combination of several words, use the AND operator.


The search returns all pages that contain all of the the words "Fabulatech", "USB" and "Redirection".

Quotation Marks Required

When operators are used, the search words must be in quotation marks.

Using the Asterisk * as a Wildcard

You can use the asterisk * as a wildcard to find all pages that contain a given letter pattern. Note that you can not use * at the beginning of a pattern; for instance, "*abulatech" would return 0 results.


If you are unsure whether the company spells "Fabulatech" or "Fabulatec", you can search for

You can also use multiple wildcards, for example:


Excluding Search Words with the NOT Operator

To find pages that contain a search word but not another word, you can use the NOT operator.


To find all pages that contain "Fabulatech" but not "USB", search for

 Instead of NOT, you can also use the minus sign "-":

Combining Operators

You can combine operators for more complex searches.


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