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Remote Management in IGEL OS 11

Menu path: Setup > System > Remote Management

Here, you can configure settings relating to the remote administration of the device using the Universal Management Suite (UMS).

Enable remote management

☑ The endpoint device can be managed via the UMS. (Default)

☐ Remote management is not allowed.

Universal Management Suite: If the device is registered on a UMS Server, its IP address or hostname will be shown in the list.

The list can contain more than one UMS instance. If the device cannot contact a UMS Server under the hostname igelrmserver, and the DHCP option 224 is not set, the device will go through the entries in the list until it can contact a UMS Server successfully.

To add another UMS instance, click on image-20240611-194929.png :

  • UMS Server: Name or IP of the UMS Server

  • Port Number: Port number of the UMS Server (Default: 30001)

Display “Apply changes” dialog on boot: If new settings were made in the UMS, the device may receive them during the boot procedure. Here you can decide whether the user can influence the application of the new settings.

☑ During the boot procedure, the Apply changes dialog will be shown if new settings are available. The user can decide whether the new settings are applied immediately. If the user does not allow them to be applied immediately, they will automatically be applied when the system is next restarted.

☐ The dialog will not be shown. The new settings will be automatically applied or ignored depending on the setting under Default action on boot.

Timeout: Number of seconds for which the Apply changes dialog is shown (Default: 20). If the timeout is exceeded, the received settings will be automatically applied.
Possible values:

  • No timeout: The dialog is shown until the user clicks on a button.

  • 1 ... 120 seconds 

Default action on boot: Configure the action that is to be performed if the dialog exceeds the time limit or if it is disabled.
Possible values:

  • Apply changed configuration immediately: New settings will become active immediately and programs that are running may be restarted.

  • Ignore changed configuration: New settings will not be applied. The new configuration will be saved on the device.

Prompt user on UMS actions

☑ The user will be informed via a message window if the device receives new settings from the UMS or is shut down. (Default)

☐ The user will not be informed if the device receives new settings from the UMS or is shut down.

Timeout: Number of seconds for which the notification window is shown
Possible values:

  • No timeout: The dialog is shown until the user clicks on a button.

  • 1 ... 120 seconds 

Structure tag: You can define a structure tag in order to sort the device into a directory in accordance with the UMS directory rules.

UMS Registration: This button opens the UMS Registration program from the accessories.

Further information regarding the use of structure tags can be found in the how-to Universal Management Suite > Universal Management Suite (UMS) > UMS Articles > Customization > Using Structure Tags.

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