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ISN 2019-02: UMS Vulnerability


Announced 24 April 2019

Score: High

A security issue affects Universal Management Suite (UMS) in the following versions:

  • UMS 6.x

  • UMS 5.x


An implementation bug in UMS user authentication allows an unauthenticated user to send commands to devices.

Update Instructions

UMS 6.x

Update to UMS 6.01.130 or newer. For instructions, see Universal Management Suite > (12.04-en) Universal Management Suite > (12.04-en) Universal Management Suite (UMS) > (12.04-en) UMS Reference Manual > (12.04-en) UMS Installation and Update > (12.04-en) IGEL UMS Update.

UMS 5.x

Update to UMS 5.09.140 or newer.  For instructions, see Universal Management Suite > (12.04-en) Universal Management Suite > (12.04-en) Universal Management Suite (UMS) > (12.04-en) UMS Reference Manual > (12.04-en) UMS Installation and Update > (12.04-en) IGEL UMS Update.

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