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ISN 2021-05: IGEL OS Denial of Service

Announced 23 July 2021

Updated 23 September 2021 (IGEL OS 11.06.100 is now available)

CVSS 3.1 Score: 8.8 (High)



A local denial of service vulnerability affects the following IGEL products:

  • IGEL OS 11

  • IGEL OS 10


A research team from Qualys has discovered a vulnerability in systemd (CVE-2021-33910). An unprivileged local user can exploit it to crash systemd and the whole operating system (kernel panic).

Update Instructions

  • IGEL OS 11: Upgrade to IGEL OS 11.06.100

  • IGEL OS 10: Upgrade to IGEL OS 11


  • Disable terminal access for the user, see IGEL OS > Versions of IGEL OS > (11.09.310-en) IGEL OS > (11.09.310-en) IGEL OS Articles > (11.09.310-en) Security > (11.09.310-en) Security IGEL OS Endpoints > (11.09.310-en) Disabling Access to Components > (11.09.310-en) Disabling Local Terminal Access.

  • Disable virtual console access, see IGEL OS > Versions of IGEL OS > (11.09.310-en) IGEL OS > (11.09.310-en) IGEL OS Articles > (11.09.310-en) Security > (11.09.310-en) Security IGEL OS Endpoints > (11.09.310-en) Disabling Access to Components > (11.09.310-en) Disabling Virtual Console Access.

  • As the attack relies on mounting user-controlled filesystems, disable mounting of filesystems by the user:

    • Disable storage hotplug (disabled by default), see IGEL OS > Versions of IGEL OS > (11.09.310-en) IGEL OS > (11.09.310-en) IGEL OS Articles > (11.09.310-en) Security > (11.09.310-en) Security IGEL OS Endpoints > (11.09.310-en) Minimizing the Attack Surface > (11.09.310-en) Disabling Storage Hotplug.

    • Remove the Mobile Device Access USB feature (removed by default), see IGEL OS > Versions of IGEL OS > (11.09.310-en) IGEL OS > (11.09.310-en) IGEL OS Articles > (11.09.310-en) Security > (11.09.310-en) Security IGEL OS Endpoints > (11.09.310-en) Minimizing the Attack Surface > (11.09.310-en) Removing Unused Features.


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