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ISN 2021-07: UMS Web App Information Disclosure

First published 27 September 2021

CVSS 3.1 Base Score: 9.9 (Critical)



A critical security vulnerability in UMS Web App affects the following IGEL products:

  • UMS 6.8.x with UMS Web App installed
  • UMS 6.7.x with UMS Web App installed
  • UMS 6.6.x with UMS Web App installed
  • UMS 6.5.x with UMS Web App installed


A penetration test has found that the UMS Web App can be made to reveal critical information, including the UMS Superuser password. IGEL would like to thank Lennert Preuth from SCHUTZWERK GmbH, who discovered the vulnerability.

Update Instructions

  • Update to UMS 6.08.120


  • IGEL strongly recommends that all affected users update/upgrade to UMS 6.08.120. If you have reasons not to do that, you can do the following:
    1. Make a UMS data backup.
    2. Re-run your current installer and re-install UMS without UMS Web App.
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