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ISN 2023-06: UEFI Secure Boot Malware and IGEL OS

Updated 15 May 2023 (Windows Update does not block IGEL OS boot)

First published 12 May 2023

CVSS:3.1 6.7 / 6.2 (Medium)

CVSS:3.1 vector n/a


A fix for a UEFI Secure Boot issue may affect booting IGEL OS on some devices.

This affects the following IGEL products:

  • IGEL OS 11
  • IGEL OS 12
  • IGEL UD Pocket


In order to block UEFI Secure Boot malware such as the Black Lotus bootkit (CVE-2023-24932), Microsoft has published a security update that revokes a number of bootloaders from UEFI Secure Boot (KB5025885). Also, the UEFI Forum has updated their revocation list.

  • IGEL has determined that the UEFI Forum revocation list of 9 May 2023 does not block the IGEL Shim bootloader. Customers that apply this revocation list will not have issues with booting IGEL OS.
  • Applying Microsoft KB5025885 and its revocation command does not block the IGEL Shim bootloader either, testing at IGEL has shown.


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