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ISN 2023-09: RCE in CUPS Printing System

First published 07 June 2023

CVSS 3.1: 8.8 (High)



A vulnerability has been discovered in CUPS Filters, which are shipped with IGEL OS. This affects the following IGEL products:

  • IGEL OS 11
  • IGEL OS 12


A security vulnerability rated high has been found in CUPS Filters (CVE-2023-24805). When using the Backend Error Handler (beh) to create an accessible network printer, this security vulnerability can allow remote code execution (RCE).

Update Instructions

  • OS 11: Update to IGEL OS version 11.08.330 or newer.
  • OS 12: Update to IGEL OS base system version 12.01.120 (available 12 June 2023)


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