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ISN 2023-11: “StackRot” in IGEL OS Kernel

First published 11 July 2023

CVSS 3.1: 7.8 (High)



A vulnerability has been discovered in the Linux kernel version used in IGEL OS. This affects the following IGEL products:

  • IGEL OS 12


A vulnerability found in the Linux kernel 6.1 memory management subsystem may allow a local attacker to execute arbitrary code and escalate their privileges to root. The issue (CVE-2023-3269), nicknamed StackRot, is graded as high. It is not easy to abuse it, but Ruihan Li, who reported the vulnerability, has announced he will release exploit code later in July.

Update Instructions

  • OS 12: IGEL is preparing an OS 12 base system release with the kernel security fixes.


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