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ISN 2024-02: Vulnerabilities

First published 31 January 2024

CVSS 3.1: 7.8 (High)



Multiple security vulnerabilities have been found in the display system used in IGEL OS. This affects the following IGEL products:

  • IGEL OS 12

  • IGEL OS 11


It has been discovered that the X Server incorrectly handled memory when processing the DeviceFocusEvent and ProcXIQueryPointer APIs (CVE-2023-6816). This could lead the X server to crash, reveal sensitive information, or allow the execution of arbitrary code. This is rated as high. The server may also handle reattaching to a different master device incorrectly, potentially leading to a crash or code execution (CVE-2024-0229, high).


To prevent these vulnerabilities from being exploited remotely, disable X11 forwarding over SSH (see instructions below). However, this does not defend against local threats.

  • IGEL OS 12: In the Profile Configurator or the Device Configurator, go to System > Remote Access > SSH Access and make sure that Permit X11 forwarding is disabled. By default, this service is disabled. Please note that X 11 forwarding, like the other SSH access settings, is only effective if the Enable parameter is activated.

  • IGEL OS 11: Disable X11 forwarding, see IGEL OS 11.10 > IGEL OS Articles > Security > Securing IGEL OS Endpoints > Configuring Remote Access and Management > Disabling X11 Forwarding.

Additionally, leave TCP connections for X11 disabled:

  • IGEL OS 12: Leave User Interface > Display Settings > Access Control > Disable TCP connections as it is or reset it to default.

  • IGEL OS 11: Leave User Interface > Display > Access Control > Disable TCP connections as it is or reset it to default.

Update Instructions

  • IGEL OS 12: IGEL is preparing an updated IGEL OS 12 Base System app.

  • IGEL OS 11: IGEL is preparing an updated IGEL OS 11 release.


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